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Virtual Wealth Attraction Seminar 2020


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Dan Kennedy - Virtual Wealth Attraction Seminar 2020

Dan Kennedy – Virtual Wealth Attraction Seminar 2020

“Discover The Untold Wealth Attitudes, Behaviors, And Strategies That’ll Allow You To EXPLODE Your Income…And Make You Immune To Obstacles And Roadblocks That Could Sabotage Your Success!”

For the first time ever, spend two days learning Dan Kennedy’s most important wealth principles from 5 of Dan’s star students.

This year marks the 12th Annual Dan Kennedy Mid Year event. It also marks the first and only time this event will be streamed LIVE, from Dan’s home. Dan will spend 6 hours across the two day virtual event, with 4 not-to-be-missed sessions including “Getting Your Head Out of Your A$$: How to Develop a Psyche of “No Guilt”, Be Unconcerned with “Fairness”, and see Abundance and Opportunity Everywhere” and “Think Equity, Not Just Income: How To Think and Enact Future Bank Not Just Current Bank.”

Dan will be doing FOUR POWERFUL sessions…

Session 1: Wealth ATTRACTION Requires Wealth ACCEPTANCE

Identifying and Neutralizing Specific Negative Attitudes (Guilt, Fear, etc.) Blocking Money’s Movement To You.

…”DOING” everything right and working hard but still struggling is a sign of INTERNAL resistance.

Session 2: Is It “Obscenely Over-Charging?” The Philosophy of MAXIMUM MONEY

Included discussion of Self-Imposed AND “Market Imposed” Limitations on Price/Fee or other Compensation; why and how to charge 5x to 10x industry norms and have people CHEERFULLY pay (exactly how Dan has done it & how others do it).


How managing Equity (not just Income) and thinking like an Investor (not just an Entrepreneur) dramatically accelerates Wealth (why even seemingly successful business people fail at this).

Also: the 5 Essential Equities to Prioritize and Develop, to Attract and Secure Wealth. Note: Dan has NOT discussed all 5 of these Equities in one places, at one time prior to this.


You can marry rich (but it might be too late for that), you can inherit, or you can “strike it rich” with an incredible invention or by winning this season of American Idol…but these are not sure paths, and there IS such a path.

A prerequisite for using this sure path is high, express income; 7-figure income used intelligently, even for a relatively brief term (5 to 7 years) can virtually guarantee your manufacture of wealth PLUS it feeds itself. It creates a very different consciousness that is extremely attractive to money.

In this Session, Dan will talk about why and how a 7-figure Income lets you speed walk the most certain path and introduce steps to raise yourself from 6-figures (or even 5-figures) to 7-figures (hint: NOT doing more of the same).

In addition to Dan Kennedy, you’ll hear from Renegade Millionaires Donna Krech, Rjon Robins, Dr. Chris Tomshack, Matt Zagula, Steve Adams, and our own Adam Witty. I interviewed many of them recently to unveil the #1 thing they’ve each learned from Dan about Wealth Attraction. They also shared their own BIG Wealth Attraction Secrets that they will be presenting during their sessions.