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Dan Kennedy - Source Code Launch

Dan Kennedy – Source Code Launch

Dan Kennedy here.

Today at 11AM ET I’m doing a 3 hour LIVECAST on the topic of SERIOUS wealth attraction with a set of business experts representing a broad and diverse range of backgrounds.

They were chosen for that reason specifically.

I want to show you how to these principles apply directly to you no matter what you do or who you seek out as customers.  For instance…

If you’re in any kind of Professional Practice or Professional Services Business:

THEN make sure you don’t miss hearing from Titanium Member Dr. Chris Tomshack, D.C., founder and CEO of Healthsource Chiropractic – the largest and fastest growing chiropractic franchise in the world. Dr. Tomshack built his personal practice atop the foundation established by these wealth principles and has since prospered tremendously by sharing them with others in his profession.

If you’re in any kind of Business-To-Consumer Enterprise like retail, restaurants or brick and mortar stores:

THEN pay close attention to what Becky Auer has to share.  She took her restaurant from $0 – $6.5 million in one year and kept it there for the next six years.  Becky used her marketing skills to gain a list of over 63,000 unique high dollar guests – almost enough guests to fill the Pittsburgh Penguins arena!  She sold the restaurant in 2010 and has since moved on to become a leading expert and authority in building multi-million dollar successful, profitable businesses.

IF you’re in any kind of Consulting / Coaching / Info-Marketing Business:

THEN you absolutely want to take copious notes on what Donna Krech will reveal. Having gone from penniless mom to multi-millionaire, Donna is living the American Dream AND has become an expert in teaching others to do the same. She has shared the stage with such well-known speakers like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Vince Lombardi, Jr., Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier, and more. And she currently has more than 100,000 members in her online and offline programs

Click Here to Save Your Spot for this LIVE Video Training Session.

NOTE: This one-time only live session will NOT be repeated.  You get this one chance and that’s it.

Therefore, I look forward to seeing you here in a few hours.


Dan Kennedy, GKIC