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Big Mouth Big Money 2021


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Dan Kennedy - Big Mouth Big Money 2021

Dan Kennedy – Big Mouth Big Money 2021


Big Mouth Big Money


Speakers: Secrets to Making Huge Money in Speaking! Create a predictable income and steady stream of speaking gigs flowing directly to you.


Dan Kennedy’s book BIG MOUTH BIG MONEY is about money, and specifically making money speaking. In 203 pages, Dan teaches you his techniques to turn “speaking” into “wealth”. Speaking is an advertising media with one true valuable purpose of acquiring customers, and it’s a particularly appealing media because it lets you acquire them for free (or without out-of-pocket expense). As you acquire your “herd”, which is a very valuable asset, they can be the basis for a solid, secure, predictable reoccurring income stream via paid membership, coaching programs and information products.


What You’ll Learn?

  • Learn all the steps to get speaking engagements in “zero competition zones” and how to identify audiences that yield the most valuable customers (i.e. your herd).
  • Use Dan’s formula to achieve fantastic bottom-line results by creating a scripted, perfected, practiced sales pitch that increases your DAILY speaking income.
  • Discover Dan’s specific methodology to speaking about “hard” yet critically important topics and fine-tune your platform selling so you expand the size and quality of your herd.
  • Figure out how to use speaking as a powerful media – collecting quality new customers at each engagement allowing you to make passive income through paid continuity and renewable products or become a high-paid coach.
  • Learn Dan’s simple, but incredibly powerful model, for transforming your audience into buyers and buyers into customers who repeatedly buy.
  • Assimilate Dan’s method to brand yourself and create “guru status” so you’re booked solid speaking in any niche market of your choice.
  • Discover Dan’s governing philosophy on how to run a multiple income stream with little or no staff. Figure out how easy it is to streamline and simplify your business with these practical strategies.

Who Is It For?

This book is for anyone looking to turn speaking into wealth. Many come to speaking with missionary zeal, to deliver heartfelt messages, or to save the world. This is NOT the focus of this book. It is for you if your key goal is to make money, real money, from your speaking efforts. Like Dan, you don’t need a fancy degree or to come from a hugely successful career in another industry. What you do need is to have a single, relentless purpose of speaking to make money and as much of it as possible.

What You Get

One 203-page manual


One 203-page manual


Information Marketing Curricula

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